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EVOO: An Eco-Friendly Household Helper | Pour More

EVOO: An Eco-Friendly Household Helper

A bottle of EVOO in the bathroom can be used to:

- Moisturize. Mediterranean women have been using fresh EVOO to maintain their youthful glow for centuries - and you can, as well. Just smooth it over your skin after showering, paying special attention to elbows, knees, and other areas which might need a little extra love. In a few minutes, your skin will absorb it entirely—and benefit from the nourishing properties of this natural moisturizer.

- Remove eye makeup. Simply add a few drops to a cotton ball or tissue. Use as you would your normal cleanser, then rinse and pat dry. Eco-friendly EVOO is gentle on the delicate area around the eyes, and will nourish your skin and lashes while dissolving away mascara and other impurities.

- Treat post-waxing skin. Not only will EVOO dissolve any waxy residues left after your treatment, it will soothe post-wax irritation, and help your skin recover. It contains no chemical additives, parabens, or alcohol—so it can be used immediately after epilation.

- Exfoliate. Make an at-home spa treatment, by mixing a half cup of eco-friendly EVOO with coarse salt or sugar, and applying it liberally under a warm shower. (Just be careful to keep your footing!) You’ll feel refreshed, and your skin will be grateful. Pro tip - use fresh EVOO, and the sweet scrub can double as a treatment for chapped lips.

- Ditch the shaving cream. That’s right—eco-friendly EVOO is a great natural lubricant, and actually works wonders when shaving. Not only does it protect the skin from nicks and irritation, it actually softens the hair to achieve a closer shave than standard over-the-counter products, and postpones that 5 o’clock shadow.

A bottle of EVOO in the hall closet can be used to:

- Spiff up an old pair of shoes. No need to purchase a special conditioner, just drizzle a little EVOO on a soft cloth, and buff gently to revive your leather shoes. It will also remove scuffs and add shine to rainboots and rubber galoshes.

- Unstick a zipper. Use a small paint brush or cotton swab, and dab a little EVOO on a stubborn zipper. (Take care to avoid any fabric, as residual oil might leave a mark.) Give the oil a few seconds to penetrate, then gently work the zipper to release.

- Dissolve gum and other sticky stuff. Natural EVOO is great for removing gum from furniture and other surfaces as well as dissolving the residue left behind by labels, price tags, or stickers. It works best when warm, so try heating a small amount in a heat-safe dish, then rubbing into the sticky stuff with a clean washcloth. Reapply in small amounts, until gone—then simply wipe clean.

Pro tip: EVOO is also great for removing gum from hair. Simply coat the hair thoroughly, and comb gently through before washing as normal.

- Remove paint from hair and skin. If your DIY weekend has left you coated in paint, use a healthy coat of natural EVOO and a washcloth to quickly and easily remove paint from hair and skin. It works especially well on acrylics and latex paint—without exposing your skin to harsh solvents or chemicals. It’s also a kid-friendly, painless way to clean little hands after arts and crafts.

- Dust and polish. Natural EVOO can be used to clean and shine old or delicate finished wood to avoid use of chemical polishes or sprays (which often contain harmful VOCs). Simply mix two parts natural EVOO to one part lemon juice, and rub gently with a lint-free cloth to achieve a soft glow. You can also use plain EVOO to polish your stainless steel or brass fixtures and appliances.

Now that you’ve learned eco-friendly uses for EVOO outside of the kitchen, check out how Bellucci is grown with deep respect for the environment. Each bottle of Bellucci can be traced to its origin—and you can rest assured that your EVOO is taking care of the planet, all the way back to the source.

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